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Books, Authors & Illustrators
Welcome aboard The Itchy Kraken: a site that brings you together with books, authors and illustrators for adults, inner children, and actual children alike.
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ZR Southcombe
ZR Southcombe (Zee) is a creator of many wonderous treasures. She is an extremely passionate author, illustrator, editor, artist,...
The Goodbye Chair
‘The Goodbye Chair’ is a heart warming family picture book written by Josephine Carson-Barr. In this gorgeous story, a young kiwi lad is dr
The Ghosts of Moonlight Creek
The Ghosts of Moonlight Creek is the third spooky adventure from Sue Copsey, award-winning author of The Ghosts of Young Nick’s Head and...
Sue Copsey
Sue Copsey is an award-winning writer of spooky adventure stories for older children and young adults. She lives in New Zealand, which is...
"I Am An Artist" Picture Book
I Am An Artist is a fantastic picture book by award winning author/illustrator, Nikki Slade Robinson. This labour of love is all about...
Adrienne Body
Adrienne Body is an author and illustrator of children's picture books. "Her books are wonderfully illustrated and gloriously funny." -...
Nikki Slade Robinson
Nikki Slade Robinson is an award-winning author/illustrator. She has worked with many publishers, and illustrates both her own stories...
Ruth Symonds
Ruth Symonds is a talented illustrator based in Perth, WA (and the artist behind The Itchy Kraken's swashbuckling logo). Ruth mostly...
Martin J King
Martin King is an author of fantasy thrillers. His novel Lycanthropy features formidable werewolves, while his Argyle series introduces...
Saskia Scott
Saskia Scott is the Perth based storyteller at the heart of Sassy Tales. "Saskia's stories come to life, she is a captivating and...
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