Ruth Symonds

Ruth Symonds is a talented illustrator based in Perth, WA (and the artist behind The Itchy Kraken's swashbuckling logo).
Ruth mostly works in ink and watercolour, but also creates fabulous digital art and graphic design.
From sprawling illustrations full of delicious detail, to simple illustrations of almost unbearably cute and/or hilariously cheeky characters, Symonds’ work is broadly appealing.
She also creates gorgeous fantasy maps... great for novels... jus'sayin'...
“If there is a pen in my hand I will always end up drawing some random little sketch. Some illustrations may be rough and simple while others are more detailed and elaborate. I have always had a passion for drawing randomly cute little sketches and would very much like to share these illustrations.”
- Ruth
AND she does stunning photography as well!
Enough wordy word words... we’ll just let Ruth’s creations speak for themselves.