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The Cosmic Adventures of Alice & Bob

The Cosmic Adventures of Alice & Bob is a super fun science communication project aiming to provide a free and exciting resource for Australian schools and teachers.

"[It] aims to inspire and excite young minds about science research, the wonders of the universe and most of all, encourage them not to give up."

Alice & Bob is a comic book written for curious kids from ages 8 -12 (and beyond). It is a fantastic collaboration between children's writer Cristy Burne, illustrator Aśka, and is published by CAASTRO (the ARC Centre of Excellence for All-sky Astrophysics) as part of their outreach program.

“I am extremely happy to be involved in this fun and meaningful project... The challenge of telling a story, generating smiles and laughter, and inspiring others with science and art is the ultimate reward.”

- Aśka

A copy of The Cosmic Adventures of Alice & Bob will be distributed to every primary and mixed school in Australia. There will also be an opportunity for teachers to order up to three class sets of the book, all for free!

Unfortunately for the rest of us, it will only be available for sale to the general public at its launch on the 18th of March 2017, and a few other public events.

“Dedication, daring and discovery…

Ever wanted to find the answer to BIG questions? Or dreamed of inventing the Next Big Thing? The Universe is an amazing place, and we’re only beginning to understand it. There’s still so much to be discovered…

  • Join Alice and Bob on their ambitious journey to the hockey finals

  • Uncover true stories of scientific failure, fluke and fame

  • Find the everyday inventions that began with space research

  • Meet the world’s next-generation radio telescope, jump on board with Citizen Science, and tackle the big questions with CAASTRO - Australia’s keen team of all-sky astronomers.”

Find out more, and put in your teacher's order,


More from Aśka

More from Cristy Burne

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